Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Aviary Art Show : 4 : Grace

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*This post is the fourth in The Aviary Art Show series of paintings and posts, from the Aviary Art Gallery" of wild bird paintings at Artinua.Org .*

Nestled into the swamps, bayous and lakes of southeast Louisiana, life in the New Orleans area is one of contrasts. Spanish and French architecture, wrought iron and a vibrant arts community in and around the French Quarter plays host to the broader celebrations of Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest and other celebrations of the culture and music of the diverse population. Surrounded by water, recreational boating, fishing villages and communities of people that bring cultural contributions, celebrations and arts from around the world, the area is world famous for the cooperative spirit with which all groups live together, work together, survive together.

While the shared experiences of celebration, food, music and more create a unique culture in and around southeast Louisiana; the shared experiences of adversity through the frequent threats and occasional widespread destruction from flooding and hurricanes also serve to provide a common ground from which people can relate to one another. Whether it is the potholed streets from subsiding soils, or the mucking out that follows a flood of even a few inches, locals share stories, survival tips and nod and laugh knowingly at these experiences common to life in this place.

It is that ability to look beyond the negatives to revel in the positives that shows the grace of those who make their lives here. Ask anyone who lives here if they could relocate and their first objection would be the loss of the local food in all of it's diversity of styles. Springtime brings roadsides and gardens bursting with bright pink azaleas and purple wisteria. Summer brings festivals and explorations into the parks and wild spaces brimming with wildlife. Year-round preparations go into Mardi Gras, a region-wide free party hosted by the locals for all comers. Then of course there is the music. In this place that brought some of the greatest musicians, bands and genres to the music scene, world-class music is available day and night throughout the year. These are just a few of the many things about this place that keep the locals here and bring others back again and again. These are the things I learned from growing up in this place and from my mother, who always overcame the adversities of life through her ability to find the good or at least the humorous in all people, events and circumstances.

Title : Grace

Media : Acrylic on canvas,

Artist : Victoria John (Ritterbush)

Description: A solitary snowy egret perches above the swamp in this painting.


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